Welcome to Jivamukti Yoga Barcelona!

Our rigorous hatha-vinyasa yoga classes with study of yoga philosophy, chanting mantras, and meditation provide an integral experience of a yoga class, which leads not only to increased strength and flexibility, but also to personal transformation based on mutualy beneficial relationships with all other beings.

The core philosophy of Jivamukti Yoga is expressed through five principles: Ahimsa – non-violent, compassionate lifestyle; Bhakti – acknowledgment that God/Self-realization is the goal of all yoga practices; Dhyana – meditation or connecting to that eternal unchanging reality within; Nada – development of sound body and mind through deep listening; Shastra – study of the ancient yogic texts.

“Jivan” means “individual soul”, “mukti” is derived from “liberation”. Jivamukti Yoga is a path to enlightenment through compassion for all beings; enlightenment being dissolution of the sense of separateness, the realisation of oneness of life, discovery of lasting happiness.




may we all be protected

may we all be nourished

may we work together with great energy

may our study be brilliant and effective

may we not resent one another

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